I don't like to see any counter or number in front of my Spam folder or the label folders which i want to be empty any point of time.
So here is the script:-
Here We have selected the Spam folder but we can use this for any folder.
To know about all the Folders in Gmail. Just type
This will list all the mail folders and labels you have created on Gmail.
To Run this script daily or at anytime you want .Use CRON
Type crontab -e on Terminal
Suppose you want Cron Job everyday during working hours
This example checks the status of the database everyday (including weekends) during the working hours 9 a.m – 6 p.m
I don't like to see any counter or number in front of my Spam folder or the label folders which i want to be empty any point of time.
So i thought to write a simple Python script which checks for the mails and deletes them automatically.
I am using a python module Called as IMAPLIB .
import imaplib #importing imaplib modulemail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com') #creating a SSL connection to imapmail.login('emailID', 'password') #Calling Login function
mail.select('[Gmail]/Spam') #selecting Spam folderresult,spamuid=mail.uid('search',None,'ALL') #Searching all mails in Spam folder
if spamuid[0]=='':
print "Yes... No Spam"
spamUid=spamuid[0].split() # passing the list of UID to spamUid
for storespamUid in spamUid:
type,resp=mail.uid('store',storespamUid, '+FLAGS', r'(\Deleted)')
expungeResult, response = mail.expunge() #Actual deletion of emails
print "All Spam Mails Deleted??? ",expungeResult
Here We have selected the Spam folder but we can use this for any folder.
To know about all the Folders in Gmail. Just type
This will list all the mail folders and labels you have created on Gmail.
To Run this script daily or at anytime you want .Use CRON
Type crontab -e on Terminal
Suppose you want Cron Job everyday during working hours
This example checks the status of the database everyday (including weekends) during the working hours 9 a.m – 6 p.m
00 09-18 * * * /home/shobhit/Desktop/emptyMail.py
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